“A miracle happens rarely, most often it takes hard work.” – Victoriia Zykina


Exclusive Interview with Victoriia Zykina – Screenwriter

I’m Zykina Victoria Olegovna, born on 11.10.1990. All my life I ‘ve been living in Moscow, Russia. I’m 31 years old, divorced, have a son of 1,5 years. I have two higher educations – public administration and law. Before the birth of the child, I worked in a state institution, wrote official answers to citizens’ complaints. Previously, I would never have thought that I could create something literary. It’s important for me to combine work with raising a child at home, so I just tried to write screenplays, while my son was sleeping. The first two scripts participated in many competitions and festivals, where reached the quarterfinals three times, the semifinals three times, the finals twice and once became the winner at WRPN Woman’s International Film Festival, fall 2021, deserved an Honorable mention. Now I have finished the third screenplay with which I am going to move to the professional level.

NY Glam: What projects are you currently working on?

I am making changes in a full-length script «From height to lockdown» together with wonderful consultants and professionals in their field – Norwegian climber Erlend Ness and Russian mountain guide Dmitry Ermakov. This is a story based on real events about mountaineering, covid-19 and a lockdown that occurred in Nepal in May 2021.

NY Glam: What makes a film great for you? Are there certain qualities that make a film better for you?

I’m more interested in a good, exciting plot than a beautiful video sequence. I also like to look at familiar things from a different point of view, for example, to experience the story of Beauty and the Beast on behalf of the Beast, to see his experiences, doubts and choices.

NY Glam: As a screenwriter, what is the most important aspect of building a character?

It is important to make it multifaceted, because there aren’t only good or only bad people. Except in fairy tales. I think it’s worth giving the characters a little freedom, not getting ahead of them. Then they’ll be able to surprise us and reveal themselves better than we could force them to. Of course, this is all the result of the subconscious work of our mind and it’s magical.

NY Glam: How important is for you being a finalist at International Screenwriting Competition – ISC?

This is very important to me. Only 4% of the participants made it to the finals and I’m among them. This is one of my best results right now.

NY Glam: Top 3 favorite projects that you have been involved in?

«Sticking to the life plan», feature, drama, comedy, LGBTQ+, 2021;

«Bloody Johnny» short, dark comedy, 2021;

«From height to lockdown» feature, adventure, comedy, based on real-life events, 2021.

NY Glam: Do you express yourself creatively in any other ways?

I write a series of stories about the «little man», a simple office worker over 40.  It’s about love, career and family through the prism of everyday values and social attitudes. There is a lot of irony and small observations from my life.

NY Glam: What advice would you give to someone who wants to have a career in filmmaking?

I advise you to persevere towards your goal and never give up. Even if you don’t feel the support of your loved ones, even if it all seems like a stupid childhood dream, even if you get a lot of criticism from professionals. At first, I received only refusals and negative reviews. If you think your work is good, believe in it and fight. A miracle happens rarely, most often it takes hard work.

NY Glam: What can we expect from you in this actual year?

My next work will be a suspense-filled social thriller about city monsters, a little boy and an emotionally burned out office worker.

NY Glam: Where can everyone keep up with you to learn more? …social media…website





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