“Believe in yourself and never give up. Once your talent will shoot and hit the target.”-Aleksandra Aronova

Aleksandra Aronova by Stasya Gromova
Aleksandra Aronova by Stasya Gromova

As a start, Aleksandra graduated Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts. Shortly she got a one-year education as an art-director at BBDO WordShop art school in Moscow. As a result, Aleksandra was employed by Russian branch of the BBDO group as an art-director, which became her job for the next five years. In 2016 she graduated British High School of Arts and Design in Moscow, where she got a diploma of stage design.

Exclusive Interview with Aleksandra Aronova – Designer

NY Glam: What projects are you currently working on?

Before quarantine I worked on Kirill Serebrennikov’s project «Decameron». This performance is the result of collaboration of the Deutsche Theater in Berlin and the Gogol Center in Moscow. We managed to make the premiere in Berlin and actually it began – the Decameron around the world.

Feeling is what matters to me. The feeling that the viewer experiences during and after watching. You can not leave the viewer indifferent. He must be plunged into story.

NY Glam: What makes a film great for you? Are there certain qualities that make a film better for you?

Probably, as a costume and set designer, I should say that it is a beautiful picture and a composition of frame and color. I should also mention the combination and correspondence of all objects in the frame. I should say that it is important that the trousers and jacket must belong to the same epoch. But I will not say so.

Feeling is what matters to me. The feeling that the viewer experiences during and after watching. You can not leave the viewer indifferent. He must be plunged into story.

The feeling appears when everyone in the team works together and understands each other, as it was with «Olma Djon». A good picture for me does not always mean that it is my style or «I like it that way». For me it is much more important to understand the director, even become his continuation or in some cases his contradiction.

For example, I don’t like to keep the style of certain epoch or period of time  … but if you change or brake something on purpose you should do it artistically and it definitely must have sense. I like deep layer of meaning and a clever, sometimes unexpected approach in cinema.

NY Glam: As a costume and set designer, what is the most important aspect of building a character?

I always think about the actor. The costume should be comfortable, and give confidence and inspiration. Details matter.  A button from 19th century in a pocket of the frock coat may help actor to feel the time, when he touching it with fingers.

We did not have time for doubts and reflection during “Olma Djon” project. I made sketches of the main characters, seeing them only in photos, not knowing their exact sizes and what kind of clothes can be found in Kazakhstan … It was challenging to start work just in 3 days before the shootings.

It was a miracle that we have got an access to the costumes from Kazakhfilm storages. This gave us a huge impulse to the understanding and authenticity of the characters. The torn pea jacket of Bolot, his wife, worn as a cabbage; their daughter Sholpan quickly swathed with sagging kerchief, a bit lost and confused.. And that dusty tone of costume tissues, like a tone of a frozen time.. I loved it a lot. However, the most difficult character was a Shaman woman. She is not an actress, she is just a talented woman and she needed to be the guide to the main characters. I thought about her image a lot. Her head wear I embroidered myself during five days, including all the flight Moscow-Almaty (and being 6 months pregnant at that time). It seemed to me that in every sewn bead, I put strength and magic. And I must say it helped.

NY Glam: Top 3 favorite projects that you have been involved in?

My favorite projects: the play Kuzmin. «Trout breaks the ice» at the Gogol center with Vladislav Nastavshev 2016, «Manifesto Cartier» at GUM with Maxim Didenko and Dazzlig agency 2019 and the 2018 film “Olma Djon” with director Viktoria Yakubova.

NY Glam: Do you express yourself creatively in any other ways?

I think so. It is sometimes difficult for my children and husband, and friends, to live with me. Because for me, every second is a performance.  It is a play with mood and feelings in the setting of my house. Each object lies in its place as in a movie, it should lie exactly where it lies. It is challenging for everyone, but this is my reality. And to be honest, all the time I have parallel projects in cinema, in books illustrations, creating interiors or designing leather accessories to my friends. And I also restore vintage furniture, but it’s generally like meditation.

NY Glam: What advice would you give to someone who wants to have a career in filmmaking?

Believe in yourself and never give up. Once your talent will shoot and hit the target.

NY Glam: What can we expect from you in 2020?

I do not know, it is a difficult year, but I am sure that difficulties give a boost to achievements. I have several international projects, and I would like to continue this path and gain experience working abroad and do something significant in the field of theater or cinema this year.

NY Glam: Where can everyone keep up with you to learn more? …social media…website

I don’t have time enough to manage professional Instagram account or another accounts.

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