Amir Hossein Nouri – “My most important goal is to create works that are often semantic in order to create harmony in the world”

Amir Hossein Nouri By Yousef Abdolrezaie
Amir Hossein Nouri By Yousef Abdolrezaie

Exclusive Interview with Amir Hossein Nouri – Singer/Composer/Human Rights Activists

International singer, composer and human rights activist, especially in the field of children in the world arena, born on October 1, 1985, Tehran, Iran. As one of the most well-known Iranian artists in the field of world music, he has received wide media coverage and has been praised by many music critics with individual honors and various awards.

In an article titled “Young Musician Lends His Voice For a Cause”, the Times praised Amir Hossein Nouri’s activities and voice, calling his vocal abilities influential in the world. He learned music as a child from masters such as Fereydoun Foroughi and began his professional career in 1998, when he was only fourteen years old, as one of the youngest figures in music.

His vocal activities began with the release of the song Champs Elysees in March 2010. A song that is welcomed by audiences around the world from the very beginning. His wide range of voice, along with his ability to sing in different vocal regions, defines his voice standards like the great singers of the world. He also has the ability to sing in classical, rock, blues, jazz and rock and roll styles. His artistic career includes performances in English, French and Spanish. He is fluent in piano and guitar and has degrees from major universities such as Harvard, Oxford, Snowford, Berkeley, Duke, etc. Amir Hossein Nouri is the founder of the global project “White Dream”, which has been singing for more than a decade to give hope to children with special diseases of working children and the physically disabled.

The first official song of the project in 2019 was praised by many musicians around the world and was shared by many artists. He has won prestigious awards such as “Best Middle Eastern Artist at the International Intercontinental Music Competition in the United States” and “Best International Artist at the American Music Tournament” at the Academy Awards in California, USA.

He also received two honorary diplomas for the project from the Snhallah Center, one of the largest children’s charity centers in the world in India. His interview on Snahallah Radio was well received by thousands of listeners. Vanguard Africa News Agency with the headline: “The miracle of music and vocals to the children of the world” “Realization of a dream with the voice of Amir Hossein Nouri” praises him. It is also a reminder of the appreciation of the Assembly of African Countries in 2009 for its humanitarian activities.

In past 1.5 year he has won over 27 awards, which 21 of them are for his charity hit EP White Dream “Royaye Sepid” as well as 6 award for his romantic track City of People “Shahre Adamha”. Lattes of this wining is Neil gallery Award for White Dream on December 2021.

In an article, the American news agency EN Stars discusses the role of semantics in his works and considers Amir Hossein Nouri as an influential singer for the world today. He also holds certification from the United Nations, UNICEF, the European Union and a number of other humanitarian agencies. According to him, he prefers art in the service of humanity even to success in the field of music.

In recent months, he has begun collaborating with major world music labels. The prestigious Ukrainian music media considers him an artist on the path to becoming a star.  After several years of continuous work, he will publish the global project “Hakim Omar Khayyam” this year, it welcomed his new work by writing “Omar Khayyam and the mythical voice of Amir Hossein Nouri “.

Amir Hossein Nouri By Yousef Abdolrezaie

NY Glam: What is your music background? Do you write your own songs?

I started playing music as a child playing the guitar and then composing with the piano at the age of fourteen.

NY Glam: How important is image?

In my opinion, the turning point of an artist is the perspective and philosophy behind his works. In my opinion, it is very important from what point of view you use the art instrument. Without human motivation in the background, your works will disappear in the long run

NY Glam: What image do you think your music conveys?

It is very important for me that my works have a message for the audience, although sometimes I perform different forms of music, but the anchor point of those works, whether philosophical, social or romantic, is a humane perspective. Creating a kind of aesthetic sense to convey a message of harmony to my audience.

NY Glam: Describe your style.

As for style, I have never limited myself to a particular style. I have sung in different styles and in different languages, and it is always more important for me to adhere to my philosophy of work than form.

NY Glam: What are you currently working on?

Several different projects

From movie music to several EPs with different themes

And the album that originated from the thoughts and poems of the great poets of my country in Persian such as Omar Khayyam, Rumi, Saadi, Hafez, etc. I am also making singles in English, French, Spanish, etc.

NY Glam: What inspired this project and who did you work with?

I started the “Royaye Sepid” (White Dream) project about 12 years ago to give hope to children with special illnesses

Of course, the song that won at your festival is a song about giving hope to children with cancer

Many artists have collaborated with me on this project over the years, and after the release of the first song of the project in 2019, various artists from other countries were added to us, and I hope to see new music recorded with them soon.

NY Glam: How do you define success?

Success for me is not just about achieving our individual goals. Rather, it is living in a world where human beings, regardless of nationality or gender, live in a borderless world full of joy and beauty and with an ideology called Humanity( being a good human ).For me, the voice of the people in concerts is an example of the meaning of success

NY Glam: Can you share with us any of your memorable performances?

Performance with children with Down Syndrome in Tehran as well as performance for homeless children in the large charity of Snehalaya in India

NY Glam: Which instruments do you play if any?

Piano and guitar are my own instruments

NY Glam: What other hobbies do you have? Are there any causes that you support?

I spend most of my time on music and recording my work.

But reading books, watching movies and theater, sometimes holding workshops for those who are interested in the art of singing, and sometimes collecting works of art are an important part of my hobbies in life that make me feel happy and learning.

NY Glam: Any plans for upcoming tours/performances?

I am currently more focused on composing and releasing my new songs due to the Corona epidemic.

But I think with the improvement of the situation, we will start the concerts in the next six months. I hope that next year we will start the concert tour in different countries of the world.

NY Glam: What are your long-term career goals?

Perhaps my most important goal is to create works that are often semantic in order to create harmony in the world

The impact of my song is very important to me

And I hope, I be the change for bring people closer together, regardless of borders or races.

NY Glam: Can you tell us about any albums/songs you have released?

To date, I have published more than a hundred works as a composer and musician. And in terms of singing, this is my twelfth work which is published in the form of a single track.

NY Glam: What’s next?

I have a very busy year ahead of me, an album with the lyrics of the greats of Persian poetry in the style of classical pop

A few romantic Eps, Two EPs in the style of alternative rock

I also have singles in English, French and Spanish on the way to release.

Amir Hossein Nouri By_Hanif Parandeh

Hits: 107


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