Bullet Train is an upcoming American action thriller film directed by David Leitch. The film is based on the novel Maria Beetle (published in the US as Bullet Train) by Kōtarō Isaka. It features an ensemble cast of Brad Pitt, Joey King, Andrew Koji, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Brian Tyree Henry, Zazie Beetz, Masi Oka, Michael Shannon, Logan Lerman, Hiroyuki Sanada, Karen Fukuhara, Bad Bunny and Sandra Bullock.
Brad Pitt as Ladybug
Joey King as Prince
Andrew Koji as Kimura
Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Tangerine
Brian Tyree Henry as Lemon
Zazie Beetz as Hornet
It was announced in June 2020 that Sony Pictures hired David Leitch to direct the adaptation of the Kōtarō Isaka novel,with Antoine Fuqua producing and Brad Pitt being cast in the film the following month. Joey King entered negotiations to join in a role described as a supporting role on “a cameo level”. In September, Andrew Koji was added, with Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry joining in October. In November 2020, Zazie Beetz, Masi Oka,Michael Shannon, Logan Lerman,[13] and Hiroyuki Sanada joined the cast, with Leitch revealing in December that Karen Fukuhara had also joined, and that Jonathan Sela would serve as cinematographer. That same month, Bad Bunny was also added to the cast, and Sandra Bullock joined the following year in February to replace Lady Gaga, who had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts with House of Gucci.
Production for Bullet Train began in October 2020 in Los Angeles, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Filming commenced on November 16, 2020, and wrapped in March 2021.[20] Pitt performed the majority of his stunts in the film.
It is scheduled to be released on April 8, 2022.
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