“My art is part of me and in my art, I’m communicating who I am both as an artist and a person.”-Hollie Ross


Exclusive Interview with Hollie Ross – Artist

Hollie Ross is a self-taught fluid acrylic abstract artist based in Atlanta, Georgia. She enjoyed art classes, drawing, painting with watercolors and working with clay while in school. Growing up she was influenced by both of her parents. Her father enjoyed drawing and painting landscapes and animals. Her mother enjoyed working and creating ceramic pieces. Hollie would often work with her mother creating ceramic pieces, many of which are treasured keepsakes. When Hollie is not working in her art room or teaching fluid art techniques, she can be found at her full-time job, managing a production support team for her employer’s loyalty travel platform and volunteering for local animal rescue organizations.

Hollie took a break from art for several years while traveling extensively for work and raising her daughter. She began painting again approximately 6 years ago and decided to follow in her father’s footsteps and try acrylics painting animals and landscapes. Hollie quickly perfected her painting style, which she describes as abstract and sold many of her early paintings as well as completing several commission projects.  As an avid learner, Hollie always looks for ways to expand her knowledge and learn new techniques. She started experimenting with fluid art techniques in early 2020. As a painter, Hollie found the technique challenging in the beginning, but she continued to practice and experiment and with time began to feel more comfortable with the technique.

Hollie gets her inspiration from her surroundings and nature as well as the different cultures and forms of art she experienced during her extensive travels. Hollie enjoys exploring different color combinations and is always pushing the envelope. Once she has selected the colors for a painting and pours the paint onto the canvas, she takes her time and lets the paint stretch on its own, allowing the paint to show her its beauty, only then does she move the paint around the canvas creating unique effects and designs. As Hollie explains, “No two paintings are ever the same, even if you try to replicate it will never be the same. I am always amazed by the outcome, taking a blank canvas and turning it into something magical!”

Hollie’s art can be found in several private collections in the U.S. Recently two of her paintings were selected to be included in the Summer Serendipity 2021 exhibit hosted by the John’s Creek Art Center. Her work has also been selected by the New York Art Group to be included in their curated virtual exhibitions on newyorkart.com as well as the physical gallery

NY Glam: Tell us a little about yourself and your career beginnings.

Growing up I loved art classes and enjoyed painting with watercolors and drawing. Once I started college where I graduated with a degree in business and an advance degree in IT, my painting and drawing took a back seat to life. For many years I traveled extensively for work and raised my daughter. I started painting again approximately 6 years ago, switching from water colors to acrylics. In early 2020, I started experimenting with fluid acrylic painting.

NY Glam: What projects are you currently working on?

In between acrylic pours, I’m working on a mixed media abstract painting, incorporating moonstone and labradorite gem stones.

NY Glam: What art do you most identify with?

I enjoy all types of art, music, theatre, paintings, sculptures, photography, but I am most interested in abstract art.

NY Glam: What themes do you pursue?

I don’t know if there are specific themes I pursue, I do like to incorporate lots of colors in my projects.

NY Glam: What’s your favorite art work?

I have several favorite pieces that I’ve created, Cosmic Forest, Tequila Sunrise, Candyland Dragons Breath, to name a few. Each are uniquely different in composition and colors and each invoking different feelings as I look at them.

NY Glam: Tells us about some of your recent exhibitions. What memorable responses have you had to your work?

Two of my paintings were selected to be part of the Johns Creek Art Center Summer Serendipity 2021 Exhibit. And 3 of my paintings were selected by the  New York Art Group to be included in their curated virtual exhibitions on newyorkart.com as well as the physical gallery.

I recently had someone describe one of my recent paintings awoke this morning to this wonderful piece…What a way to say hello to the day!”

NY Glam: Tell us about one of your projects which you are very proud of.

I am very proud of the commission work I have done. To have someone entrust to me capturing their loved ones is a great honor and compliment of my skills as an artist.

NY Glam: What does “being creative” mean to you?

For me, life would be boring and depressing without art. Art evokes different emotions in everyone that sees it. For some, they may be moved by the composition, others the colors. It can evoke feelings of happiness sadness, loneliness, wonderful memories, heal wounds. Everyone sees it from a different perspective and sees something different. It’s always fun listening to what everyone sees when looking at a painting. I truly enjoy taking something ordinary and making it extraordinary. It doesn’t matter if it’s a blank canvas an old piece of jewelry. 

NY Glam: What are you trying to communicate with your art?

My art is part of me and in my art, I’m communicating who I am both as an artist and a person. My art tends to reflect my mood. If I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, I use calming colors, blues and greens, if I’m happy I tend to use bright colors.

NY Glam: What role does the Artist have in Society?

Artists throughout history have contributed to society in different ways. Whether it’s music, painting, sculpting, theatre photography they give society a different perspective, an escape from their normal day-to-day activities. Art isn’t necessary, to live, but there are things worth sharing worth connecting over and worth. Art can influence society, by instilling values, changing opinions.

NY Glam: What are your thoughts on being an artist in today’s world?

Art is all around us it promotes expression and creativity. When art is controversial or groundbreaking, it has the potential to spark discussions and healthy discussions that can lead to improvements across society.

NY Glam: How has painting influenced your life?

Painting helps balance my brain. My full-time job is very analytical, painting allows me to tap into the creative side of my brain. It has helped me to develop soft skills that are needed every day, creative thinking, thinking outside the box, which has helped me with my full-time job as well as life.

NY Glam: What art movement or artist would you say influences your work most?
I enjoy many types of art, but I feel abstract art and artists such as O’Keeffe, Kandinsky, Pollock.

NY Glam: What can we expect from you this year?

I’m always experimenting and practicing new techniques. So you can expect to see different techniques and lots of colors.

NY Glam: Can you share with us three favorite things about your city/culture?

Atlanta is a vibrant city, known as a city too busy to hate.

We have a vibrant art community, wonderful museums, theatre, concert venues. Sports teams, so much to do. Wonderful lakes, hiking, biking, a large number of live/work/play communities.

NY Glam: Where can everyone keep up with you to learn more? …social media…website

Instagram: @holliesartroom

Facebook: Hollie’s Art Room

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