“Coming to play in New York and having an audience here will be very cool ! ” – Frédéric Bourreau-Micaelli


Frédéric Bourreau-Micaelli –  Music is not only an entertainment, but an essential part of the life of Frédéric Bourreau-Micaelli : self-taught musician, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist artist, he takes obvious pleasure in juggling his multiple talents and is distinguished by a devouring musical curiosity and an assertive critical spirit who finish building his own entity already influenced by underground music, indie, alternative rock and electronic music. In 2012, Frédéric set up alone “Babylon Project”, the first purely instrumental draft with a prophetic title, which proposes a project of meaning: ardently mixing electronic sounds which gain importance thanks to synthesizers and machines and the sounds organic, carnal of a thundering, raging guitar. This curiosity for the essential that marks both his originality and his authenticity finds a new way of expressing himself in 2016 when he becomes a member of Cencio as an arranger alongside Vincent Albertini. In order to get the most out of their duo, Frédéric mixes his synthesizers and his guitar with the arpeggios and the voice of Vincent. Finally, in 2019, the musical project that succeeds in touching the composer-performer that he is in his most critical and most personal contact with music as a performance upsetting the order and legend of eternal rock, is none other than PlayOut, a duo he formed with his brother-in-law François Ristorcelli. PlayOut was born and with it a simple rock, rebellious, casual, relieved of all conveniences that draws a world where it is good to reconnect with what drives them.

Exclusive Interview with Frédéric Bourreau-Micaelli – Musician

NY Glam: What is your music background ? Do you write your own songs?

I played in a solo project called « Babylon Project » were I explored electro and ambiant music with different kinds of styles.  In this project, I play a lot of analog synthetiser like the MS-20 or other machin. And I play in side project, called Cencio, I am guitarist and synth player. And yes, I write my own songs.

NY Glam: How important is image?

The image is very important, including in PlayOut music, we like to work a lot with lights, especially with green and red, and we have a lot of cinema visual inspirations as much as music videos. In the movie La Disparue, the work of picture is important with music, as much as the connexion between both. We can’t deny that great movies and their music can’t be separate from each others.

NY Glam: What image do you think your music conveys?

My music conveys the image of a dream, the image of a dream and an escape. It is important for an artist to be able to escape, through a world, a character or something else. For the sound of it, I hope my music can be perceived as simple and true, with a vintage tone.

NY Glam: Describe your style.

My style is a mix between street and rock clothes. In my opinion, I have to be careful not to fall into carricature. And to ne dressed like in a disguise will necessarily associate us with a genre or style. I hate to put labels on : « You are a rocker, so you must dress up with a perfecto. You do rap, you must wear street clothes. » No, we have to stop this ! I really like artists like Billie Eilsih, Yungblud, Declan McKenna, Christine And The Queens who are part of the gender mixes. My style is therefore a mixture of many things and influences, because style is supposed to be fun and we should play more with it.

So I tend to dress like a rockstar because it’s the music that I make but I like casual and sports clothes as much as perfectos or suits.

NY Glam: What are you currently working on?

I work on PlayOut’s first Ep, we had engineered  5 songs in a studio. Recording is done, the mastering not yet but is currently on. A music video will be soon realesed, because I would like very much to develop the visual aspect of this project. It is very important for me as much as tell a little story. I have some ideas…

NY Glam: What inspired this project and who did you work with?

This project was inspired by the desire to make the music that I had always wanted to make, with no filter, just trying to modernize it so as not to fall into some cliché.

NY Glam: How do you define success?

For me success is already coming to live from his music and his passion.  No longer having to get up in the morning to do a job that I don’t like, that lock me up and frustrate me. Being able to live from one’s art is already a great success, because it makes me free, and allows to be able to continue to express myself through art. And to make history by being a person who has contributed to a breakthrough which will revolutionize music. It’s a great success! Some people will consider becoming a millionaire…To me, as long as I have enough to live well with happiness, I don’t care about owning millions…

NY Glam: Can you share with us any of your memorable performances?

When I played on stage, with a lot of public, who dance and understand you’re music. The communion is important. Where is communion, there is love. One of my favorites was when some teenagers came onto the stage, it was really fun but to me but not as much for the soundmens…

NY Glam: Which instruments do you play if any?

Electric guitar with a lot of noise of course !

NY Glam: What other hobbies do you have? Are there any causes that you support?

I love cinema, that’s why it’s a great experience to have been able to compose the music for La Disparue. I like reading, geeking on video games and going out for walks in nature. Cooking is also a hobbie that I do not neglect and enjoy perfect during quarantine. But the most important thing to me is spending time with my fiancée !

NY Glam: Any plans for upcoming tours/performances?

With what’s happening in the world right now, everything is stopped. We will do a live captation for our local television channel when we will be able to go out ouf quarantine. We will plan summer concerts and festivals for next year. As many artists, we are waiting for the virus and the situation in the world to evolve…

NY Glam: What are your long-term career goals?

As I said before, providing a living would already be a very good goal. And also meet as many people as I like very much and talk for hours about everything and nothing. These are wonderful moments! Coming to play in New York and having an audience here will be very cool !

NY Glam: Can you tell us about any albums/songs you have released?

On the instagram page « @Playout_band »,  you can found all the links necessary to listen to our music. Our song Untitled is on YouTube and a lot streaming music platforms.

NY Glam: What’s next?

I would like to work again with Joan Bentosela, because it was a great experience. I really enjoyed working on the soundtrack, i twas a first time to me. It makes me want to continue elsewhere. He has to do other things quickly ! And then, a Europe tour with my band ? That’s it, isn’t it ?

Hits: 399


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