“It is important to learn from the many difficulties that are bound to arise and not to let fear of failure…” Aimie Willemse


Exclusive Interview with Aimie Willemse – Screenwriter

NY Glam: What projects are you currently working on?

Currently I am pitching a contemporary dance short to Creative Scotland for funding, exploring mental health through movement – particularly focusing on the stigma against male depression. It is topic that means everything to me after losing a childhood friend to suicide so if this project can connect with even one person struggling with it then it will be worth it. The ability to translate abstract concepts such as the vicious cycle of grief and loss into movement is a great chance to experiment so we can make a film that requires no dialogue to explain the issue of depression because often people struggle describing it themselves.

NY Glam: What makes a film great for you? Are there certain qualities that make a film better for you?

Ooft, that is difficult, but I would have to say what makes a film great for me is if it is memorable. I love it when a film sticks with you, keeps you thinking long after the credits have rolled, and it can be anything from a performance, the score, or stunning cinematography that makes a film stand out. I used to focus more on the performances but making my own shorts has taught me how all these aspects of filmmaking need to come together to tell a story well.

NY Glam: As a screenwriter, what is the most important aspect of building a character?

For me it is all about the character’s flaws; how their baser desires can subconsciously drive their decisions and the conflict generated by this. Everyone has flaws, even if we aren’t willing to admit them, so why should my characters be any different? After that, the next challenge is visually establishing these traits so that the audience gets to understand the character through their actions that feeds into the drama.

NY Glam: Top 3 favorite projects that you have been involved in?

My top 3 favourite projects are a variety of shorts that I directed over the last couple of years.

‘The Distances Between’ was a real turning point in my career in understanding visual language was elevated as I learnt how to use cinematography to tell this story as well as drawing out subtle performances that felt raw and authentic.

While ‘All the Reasons Behind a Kiss’ was an exciting opportunity to direct another person’s script. The ability to find a personal connection to someone else’s material, my vision to another person’s story, was a brilliant challenge that I relished undertaking. As a filmmaker, I want to continue collaborating with others and work on fresh stories.

Finally, my grad film ‘Doppelparents’ is one of my favourite shorts because it pushed me to use genre to raise my visual storytelling skills. By working with a budget and professional Scottish cast which has been an ambition of mine for a long time. I feel like I have really grown over my years of filmmaking to this point and confident that I can continue down this career path as a director. I couldn’t be prouder.

NY Glam: Do you express yourself creatively in any other ways?

Screenwriting and filmmaking have always been be main creative outlet, but I use to draw and make abstract mixed media art.

NY Glam: What advice would you give to someone who wants to have a career in filmmaking?

Hmm my main advice to budding filmmakers is that it is important to learn from the many difficulties that are bound to arise and not to let fear of failure to keep you from taking risks. I’ve made may mistakes over my career, even some really cringy shorts, so if you’re serious about making films then you gotta take the bad with the good and just fake it until you make it.

Aimie Willemse

NY Glam: What can we expect from you in 2020?

I am determined that 2020 will bring lots of new projects and opportunities to make more films with talented people. We are working hard to make the dance short a reality so hopefully “Beyond You” will be coming your way this year. I am also collaborating with a couple of screenwriters to pitch a short film project to Scottish Film Talent Network and we are excited to delve into modern topics through the surreal and fantastical lens of genre.

NY Glam: Where can everyone keep up with you to learn more? …social media…website

Best way to find out more about me and my work is on social media.

Facebook: @InfiniteStudios89 , Twitter: @awil89film

Website: www.infinitestudios.me

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