Photo by NILI
Photo by NILI

Feng shui is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, classified as physiognomy (observation of appearances through formulas and calculations). The Feng Shui practice discusses architecture in terms of “invisible forces” that bind the universe, earth, and humanity together, known as QI.

Historically, feng shui was widely used to orient buildings—often spiritually significant structures such as tombs, but also dwellings and other structures—in an suspicious manner. Depending on the particular style of feng shui being used, an auspicious site could be determined by reference to local features such as bodies of water, or stars or the compass.

Feng Shui, literally meaning “wind and water,” is a traditional Chinese concept linking the destiny of man to his environment. It aims to ensure that people live in harmony with their surroundings.

It’s the art of arranging buildings, objects, space and life to achieve harmony and balance. Feng shui works on the assumption that the world is driven by unseen forces. The idea behind it is to “unblock” the way, so the forces may flow freely and create balance in a space (or life).

It originated in Chinese astronomy. Some current techniques can be traced to Neolithic China, while others were added later (most notably the Han dynasty, the Tang, the Song, and the Ming). The astronomical history of feng shui is evident in the development of instruments and techniques.

How to Achieve a Happy and Healthy Home, According to Feng ShuiSlow Down the Energy Flow.

Keep Your House Clear of Clutter.

Keep the Path to the Front Door Clear.

Give Guests a Reason to Pause.

Balance the Five Elements.

Remove Negative Symbolism.

Maximize Natural Light.

Rebalance Workstations in the Kitchen.

There can be no good feng shui in the house if your bedroom has weak, unstable or negative energy. A bad feng shui bedroom will also weaken your personal energy and can have a detrimental effect on the quality of your relationships. Your bed is the most important feng shui piece of furniture in your life

According to feng shui principles, clutter represents trapped energy, and it is believed that when you clear clutter, you release negative emotions, generate positive energy, and invite opportunity into your life

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