“Live life to the fullest and get the most out of it.”- Ivan Morales (Photographer)


 NY Glam: Tell us a little about yourself. Where did you grow up?

I was born in Colombia, at 31 years old, I moved to the United States 14 years ago, more exactly to the city of New York. Working hard and studying hard, I achieved my goals and every day I learn more.

 NY Glam: How long have you been a photographer?

9 years ago that I prepare and study photography.

 NY Glam: What type of photography are you interested in?

 I really like them, all areas of photography, but mainly social events and portraits.

 NY Glam: How would you describe your style?

Innovative, natural and fresh without so much filter

 NY Glam: What are you currently working on?

 I currently work as photography director for several magazines of the city of New York, Boston and Miami and cameraman for several channels and television programs, I am also the general director of my company INNOVATION MEDIA PRODUCTIONS based in New York.

 NY Glam: What’s one of the most interesting shoots that you’ve done?

There are many important moments that I have done in my photography career, being next to great celebrities of music, film and television, is very satisfying for me.

 NY Glam: Who’s your favorite model you’ve done a shoot with and why?

It is difficult to answer that question, since I have many favorite models and celebrities with whom I worked in a photoshoot, for the different magazines and catalogs.

NY Glam: Do you have an all-time favorite camera/lens combination?

The truth my favorite camera and brand is CANON and SONY

 NY Glam: Describe your biggest accomplishment to date?

There are many, but my greatest achievement is the coverage of the most important and famous events in the United States.

NY Glam: Who would you like to photograph next?

 I would love to photograph the pope, the kings of Spain and England and their entire hierarchy.

 NY Glam: Who/what inspires you?

Myself and be the best in my area

 NY Glam: Have you traveled much for work? Do you have a favorite location?

Yes, I have traveled a lot in many cities for my work, but the city that I love the most because of its climate, its people and places for good shots, is Miami Beach.

 NY Glam: Favorite quote?

Live life to the fullest and get the most out of it.

 NY Glam: What is your advice for aspiring photographers?

Enjoy and love your profession, study and prepare every day to give the best to your clients, be responsible, educated and honest in their work.

 NY Glam: What is next for you? 

This never stops and great jobs and many surprises are coming.

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