Kin revolves around a fictional Dublin family embroiled in gangland war. News articles have stated that the series is inspired by the Kinahan gang (highlighting that the series title is the same as the first three letters of Kinahan) and the Hutch–Kinahan feud. An “insider” is quoted as saying “It’s not the Kinahans’ story but people can draw their own conclusions. Viewers will be able to make up their own mind about it.”Kin revolves around a fictional Dublin family embroiled in gangland war. News articles have stated that the series is inspired by the Kinahan gang (highlighting that the series title is the same as the first three letters of Kinahan) and the Hutch–Kinahan feud. An “insider” is quoted as saying “It’s not the Kinahans’ story but people can draw their own conclusions. Viewers will be able to make up their own mind about it.”
Kin is a crime drama. Created by Peter McKenna and Ciaran Donnelly, it is broadcast by RTÉ and AMC+.
Kin Season 2 release date 2021/2022? Kin TV series cancelled or renewed for Season 2 on AMC+? When does AMC+ show Kin Season 2 premiere
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